Are you that bored?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Over Thinking

I may not be the smartest person in the world, but I am always thinking. Usually not anything deep though. For example (pretend you're in my head for a moment) 'oww that car was blue, I like blue although not as much as pink, pinks a cool colour though you would never see Rich wearing pink, thats good though cause he'd look silly, I wonder what he's thinking at the moment, maybe I'll ask him'.

This is when the rambling in my head stops for awhile and is shared with the rest of the world as I ask Pope what he is thinking at that very moment. The following answer ALWAYS shocks me...


How does that work?? NOTHING?? How can someone be thinking nothing??

I've tried to practice this 'nothing' that I have been told about but every time I give it ago I just end up thinking. This happens simply by thinking 'don't think anything' which then leads on to more in head rambling.

I don't understand how people can completely switch off? Is that why people sleep?

Thats another thing i struggle with...I wonder if its linked...