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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Things that make me mad

Well having just posted quite a happy blog I have decided to balance it out with something a little more angery. I wanted to label it 'Things I hate' but that seemed a little strong- maybe I do hate them but I don't like over using that word. So here they are...

1) The idea of hell - no matter how real I think it is, it always seems to me a little on the harsh side.
2) When people tap microphones - IDIOTS do you want to break them? Is speaking into it really that hard?
3) The way some Christians write off over faith groups so quickly. Surely being a person of faith and belief has taught you how hard it can be to trust in something that constrasts from those around you. Maybe a little bit of repect is due here.
4) That food makes you fat
5) When people are treated unfairly
6) People who refuse to see other people's points of views. Maybe if we just took the time to put things into prespective more we would get on a little better
7) When my own happiness means making other people sad. I could rather be unhappy myself
8) People who are full of crap yet put other people down.
9) Fast sportly cars that undertake me when I'm doing the speed limit- If they actually got their heads out their arses for long enough they would relised that... IT IS ILLEGAL!
10) The fact that I can't use long words on paper cause of dyslexica
11) That dyslexica is spelt that way - what a stupid word to exspect 'stupid' people to spell!
12) Being so worried about what people think that it controls my life.

Ahh well that was actually quite fun


  • At 4:14 pm, Blogger Fi said…

    you speak the truth, the world should listen!


  • At 4:41 pm, Blogger Holz said…

    you scare me sometimes!

    luv holz xx


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