Are you that bored?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Boredom #1

Well HELLO world of blogging. I'm really bored so I finally descided to join the crazy world of blogging. I'm guessing that since you are reading this that you must be pretty bored to - gutted. For that reason I have come up with a small list of games you could play to amuse yourself...

1) See if you can sing your whole way through your favourite sound track
2) Go to ebay and see how many things you can bid for and win with £5
3) Count how many spelling mistakes I have made in this blog
4) Find someone near you who has a habbit of repeating something (for example says a surtain word or repeatively doing the same jesture) - count how many times they do it in the average hour. Using this information work out how many times the repeat a day, a week, a year, in a life time.

I hope that keeps you amused for awhile and that your day can be that little bit more exciting having visited.


  • At 9:28 am, Blogger Pope said…

    Wow!!! I'm so proud!! lol!

    They actually sound like fun games... i might try that e-bay one next time i'm bored!! hehe!!

  • At 12:05 pm, Blogger Rae said…

    hello miss parsons
    why your blogs are already amusing me...way to go lady!
    I like your singing your way through a soundtrack idea...i think i will do it now

    *singing* I've had the time of myyy lifffe and i owe it alll to youuuuuuuuu

  • At 6:44 pm, Blogger Piet said…

    boo.. how is anna?

  • At 10:59 pm, Blogger Pope-ette said…

    Why thank you Rae and Pope! I am fine thank you piet - how are you??


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